Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Dream Arrangement

There's an arrangement that my supervisor and manager make when a customer asks for "whatever you want." I've delivered it three times and the smell has been absolutely addicting all three times. Also, it's absolutely beautiful. So I finally got up the courage to ask my supervisor what goes into that arrangement, so I could copy it.

It turns out that the concept behind the arrangement is actually very simple. Usually the florists will ask, "Well, does he/she have a favorite flower? Or a favorite color?" of customers, but in this case the buyer of the arrangement doesn't know. So the florists put a little of every color and every flower in it (and still make it within the right price range), hoping that they'll somehow hit on the receiver's favorite flower or color.

So today I went into the shop with my list of flowers for the arrangement, took it home, and put it all into a big crystal vase I own. Here is the final outcome:

I was short a snapdragon after buying all the flowers and arranging them, so I returned to the store to show my supervisor and manager, and they were very impressed! They said it looked really nice (WOOHOO!). I'm absolutely stoked. I've never done one that big before and it turned out great. It smells just as incredible and the colors are so vibrant, it's like they're dancing. Fantastic!

Monday, August 23, 2010

I Love Working With Flowers!

I had a fantastic couple days working with flowers this last week. I:
  • took the initiative at work to put out a bark dust fire at the back of our shop while my supervisor was busy with customers.
  • got to help put together some rose bunches at work.
  • answered the phone for the first time at the shop (only to put them on hold, LOL, but I learned how to answer calls and put them on hold!).
  • asked my supervisor about the flowers needed for a beautiful arrangement I have seen her and my manager both do, and will get to make it as soon as I buy the flowers.
  • made my very first "modern" arrangement in class.
  • made two beautiful arrangements last week in class--one with flowers in class and one with leftovers.
  • was told by my teacher that I have improved a lot since the last time I took her class, almost a year ago.
I realized today that the true test of my ability as a florist will be when somebody says to me, "Put these flowers into an arrangement for me" and watches me as I do so. I have a feeling that'll come up soon.

I am excited about every little new thing I learn or achieve pertaining to floristry. I am so eager to learn more!

My modern arrangement

Arrangement from last week

Arrangement done with leftovers