Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Dream Arrangement

There's an arrangement that my supervisor and manager make when a customer asks for "whatever you want." I've delivered it three times and the smell has been absolutely addicting all three times. Also, it's absolutely beautiful. So I finally got up the courage to ask my supervisor what goes into that arrangement, so I could copy it.

It turns out that the concept behind the arrangement is actually very simple. Usually the florists will ask, "Well, does he/she have a favorite flower? Or a favorite color?" of customers, but in this case the buyer of the arrangement doesn't know. So the florists put a little of every color and every flower in it (and still make it within the right price range), hoping that they'll somehow hit on the receiver's favorite flower or color.

So today I went into the shop with my list of flowers for the arrangement, took it home, and put it all into a big crystal vase I own. Here is the final outcome:

I was short a snapdragon after buying all the flowers and arranging them, so I returned to the store to show my supervisor and manager, and they were very impressed! They said it looked really nice (WOOHOO!). I'm absolutely stoked. I've never done one that big before and it turned out great. It smells just as incredible and the colors are so vibrant, it's like they're dancing. Fantastic!

Monday, August 23, 2010

I Love Working With Flowers!

I had a fantastic couple days working with flowers this last week. I:
  • took the initiative at work to put out a bark dust fire at the back of our shop while my supervisor was busy with customers.
  • got to help put together some rose bunches at work.
  • answered the phone for the first time at the shop (only to put them on hold, LOL, but I learned how to answer calls and put them on hold!).
  • asked my supervisor about the flowers needed for a beautiful arrangement I have seen her and my manager both do, and will get to make it as soon as I buy the flowers.
  • made my very first "modern" arrangement in class.
  • made two beautiful arrangements last week in class--one with flowers in class and one with leftovers.
  • was told by my teacher that I have improved a lot since the last time I took her class, almost a year ago.
I realized today that the true test of my ability as a florist will be when somebody says to me, "Put these flowers into an arrangement for me" and watches me as I do so. I have a feeling that'll come up soon.

I am excited about every little new thing I learn or achieve pertaining to floristry. I am so eager to learn more!

My modern arrangement

Arrangement from last week

Arrangement done with leftovers

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Local Flower Farms and Farms with Flowers

I've decided, in order to make this blog more helpful for people interested in flowers, to include descriptions/reviews on places in the area to get cut fresh flowers. Many of these farms grow other crops, but for the purposes of this blog I am only interested in commenting on the flowers.

Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm. Located in Woodburn, Ore. They grow tulips in fields and other bulb flowers (daffodils and hyacinths) in pots and smaller gardening areas around the place. The season is late March through late April. I don't think you can cut your own tulips there, but they sell potted tulips, bags of bulbs, and cut tulips there. They bring in lots of vendors (food and games) so it's a real family-fun experience if you've got kiddos. It's open every day during tulip season, and is always very, very busy on the weekends.

Schreiner's Iris Gardens. Located in north Salem, Ore. Iris season is early May through early June. This isn't a big farm; it's a beautiful Iris breeding garden. They have around 20 rows of Irises, all with unique names, different every year. They have just a few vendors for food, but lots of cut irises for sale, as well as some potted plants and gardening items and equipment.

Sauvie Island Lavender Farms. Located in north Portland, Ore. I have not been here myself, but they boast 800 different lavender plants in 14 varieties, and all kinds of lavender products for sale. The season for lavender is mid-June to August.

Schlichting Farms. Located in Sherwood, Ore. They sell beautiful hanging baskets, but also have rows of u-cut flowers. Currently blooming are delphinium, sunflowers and snapdragons. There were also other flowers blooming that I couldn't name. They were mostly "filler flowers" and not too many showy "focal point" flowers. They are only $0.25 to $0.75 a stem.

Monday, July 26, 2010

My Favorite Flowers

I've wanted to write a blog like this for ages - where I just get to talk about my favorite flowers. My favorites are usually determined by smell and color. I think I will list them in chronological order of the when I determined that they were one of my favorite flowers.

The first "favorite flower" I ever determined was lilacs. My favorite color is purple, and lilacs come in all shades of purple (and in white). The pale purple that most lilacs are is my favorite shade. They also smell amazing. They aren't very photogenic flowers unless you get up really close, but the little florets are very dainty-looking.

The common blue violet is another old favorite of mine. I decided they were my favorite simply because they are dainty-looking and come in all shades of purple, too, and later learned that they're also my "birth flower"--the flower for the month of February. They have a faint, sweet smell and also a very short season (and a very short flower!). They're a very common flower and aren't usually grown in gardens.

Snowdrop. I like to attribute my interest in flowers to my grandma, who I spent a lot of time with and who liked to garden. I was a reader as a kid, and the first thing I did after deciding I really liked flowers was go investigate Grandma's old World Book encyclopedias for articles on flowers. One of the pictures I remember was of a flower garden against a picket fence, and many of my favorite flowers were determined by that photo. Snowdrops was one of the flowers pictured. They're an early spring flower, like the crocus. I have never actually seen a snowdrop before, but I still like how they look and also their name.

Delphinium. This was another favorite flower determined by that encyclopedia picture. I've recently rediscovered my love for them, though. The florists I work with put them in their arrangements a lot and they smell really good and the main colors they come in are breathtaking blues. They also come in white, purples and some pinks though.

Lupine. As a kid, I read a story about a person who wanted to make the world a more beautiful place, so he or she (I can't remember which it was!) went around America planting these flowers, lupines. I wanted to make the world a more beautiful place, too, and planting flowers seemed like an amazing way of doing it. So lupines became one of my favorite flowers due to that book. They come in a vast array of colors, like snapdragons. Pinks and blues and purples are the most common. They are tall on spikes like delphinium, but their blossoms look like pillows instead of open flowers.

Bluebells. I can't remember where I first learned about bluebells. But it was probably that encyclopedia. Once I saw a picture of them, I fell in love. They looked just like fairy flowers to me and I created a whole set of flower fairies based on bluebells. Someday I'd like to go to England, where I know they have just carpets of bluebells in their forests.

As you can see, purple-blue flowers were my primary draw as a child. I loved the color purple with all my heart, but as I got older I began to appreciate flowers of other colors too.

Snapdragons. When I was in 5th grade, my family took a trip to the Butchart Gardens in Victoria, B.C., a trip I absolutely loved and cannot wait to duplicate. I had known about snapdragons before, but I had never seen so many snapdragons in so many vibrant colors in my life, and I fell in love with them on that trip. I loved how many colors they came in and I loved that they were named for the fact that you could snap them like dragon's mouths. They continue to be one of my favorite flowers ever.

Trumpet vine. I can remember walking around my block as a kid and walking past this telephone pole that had a huge, dark green vine with flaming orange-red flowers on it. It caught my attention every time and I finally looked it up or asked what it was called.

Vetch. Sometime in my late childhood or teen years, I began to notice vast amounts of purple flowers that grew everywhere around my town in June, when the weather was hot. I asked my grandparents what they were and they told me it was vetch. Unfortunate name, I thought, but what a beautiful color! And the hills were literally covered in them. It was a stunning display on the usually-brown hills of the high desert where I grew up.

The flowers I've listed pretty much stuck with me as my favorites through high school, and I didn't really collect any new favorites until sometime during college.

Lilies. I didn't discover these beauties until one day I was conversing on IM with a friend about our favorite flowers. He mentioned lilies to me and sent me a ton of pictures of lilies of all colors. Before then, I think I thought they only came in white. After that conversation I paid more attention to lilies and discovered they also smell incredibly good. And they do come in a huge variety of colors, at least the Asiatic lilies do. Stargazers are more fragrant,
but less variety in color, and I think I still prefer them over Asiatics simply for the smell. An important note for beginning florists about lilies: When the buds first op
en, remove the stamen (the dark o
range/rust-colored parts). Lily pollen will stain everything it touches, and the stains hasten the ending of the life of the flower. It makes them less fragrant but if you've ever gotten lily pollen on tables or clothing
or your hands, you probably understand the need.

Honeysuckle. I shop at Bath & Body Works sometimes. Once I got a honeysuckle-scented body wash and just from the smell I decided I liked the flower. I didn't actually see real, live honeysuckle until this year, but I knew what it was instantly because of the picture on the Bath & Body Works bottle, and when I bent in to smell it, it smelled just the same as the body wash. They grow in bushes and when I have a garden I think I'll plant one.

Who hasn't lived to see a hydrangea bush? The huge, puffy bunches of 4-petaled florets that come in purples, blues, pinks and white are unmistakable. I first found out about them when I received a beautiful light purple journal from a friend that had pictures of hydrangeas all over it. I think the variety of hues you can find on one bush is just astonishing and can't wait to have one of these myself.

Lavender. Another flower I discovered by way of smell. You can't go looking for aromatherapy without running into this flower's scent. It's famous for having a calming effect. I like that it smells slightly spicy. And of course, it just so happens to come in my favorite color.

There are dozens of other flowers that I love. I think these make my top list, though. Just the names of some other flowers I really, really like and a short description of why: tulips (beautiful array of colors), daffodils (so sunny!), daylilies (a recent favorite), cherry blossoms (delicate pink and equally delicate smell), gladiolas (very showy and lots of colors!). What are your favorite flowers?

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Fall Silk Arrangement

An original silks arrangement done by myself, using dry oasis. All supplies purchased from Michael's. Buy their supplies on sale--I got $40 worth of silk flowers for $13.

Supplies needed for silk arrangements: heavy-duty wire cutters, dry oasis, craft glue.

View 1: Side view
View 2: Top view

Arrangement in a Pumpkin

Done for a class. Round arrangement, using oasis. That is a real pumpkin.

Carnations and Roses Arrangement

Done for a class. Front-facing arrangement with oasis.

Lilies and Cattails Arrangement

Done for a class. Front-facing arrangement with oasis.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Roses Arrangement

I love flowers. I currently work as a floral delivery driver for a local florist shop and am taking my second floral arranging class. My hope is to eventually design arrangements alongside other professional florists in a shop.

Here is an original arrangement done by myself in a more modern style.